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Breaking bones to fix bones – Cement Augmentation in Spinal Fracture
¿Cuándo? Viernes 02 de septiembre ,16:00 hs
¿Dónde? Aula A104, sede Solís.¿Quién? Richard M Hall, PhD. Professor of Spinal Biomechanics. Institute of Thermofluids, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
The ageing population presents a number of challenges in terms of fractures in weakened bones of the spine through both osteoporosis and secondary cancers. In some cases these fractures are extremely painful and resistant to conventional bed-rest and pain-killers. A relatively new technique called vertebroplasty in which cement is injected into the painful vertebrae to fix the fracture may provide a possible solution. This revolutionary keyhole surgical technique is relatively low-cost and has demonstrated excellent short-term clinical results. However, biomechanical assessment of this procedure has lagged its clinical usage despite its central importance in both the delivery of the cement and the structural augmentation of the fractured vertebrae. The lecture will discuss new developments in this area as well as other clinically relevant, biomechanical research undertaken at the University of Leeds.