lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Publicaciones docentes - año 2007


Autores y Referencia

Smart smooth muscle spring-dampers. Smooth muscle smart filtering helps to more efficiently protect the arterial wall

Armentano R. L.; Barra J. G.; Pessana F. M.; Craiem D. O.; Graf S.; Santana D. B.; Sanchez R. A. (IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag 26 (1): 62-70)

Effect of preservation solution on graft viability in single-lung transplantation from heart-beating donors in pigs

Bertolotti A.; Gomez C.; Lascano E.; Negroni J.; Cuniberti L.; Yannarelli G.; Laguens R.; Shiraishi J.; Favaloro R. (Transplant Proc 39 (2): 355-357)

Hemodialysis access failure: viscoelastic vascular properties an intimal hyperplasia development

Bia D.; Barmak W.; Zócalo Y.; Galli C.; Perez-Campos H.; Saldias M.; Silva W.; Alvarez I.; Cabrera Fischer E. I.; Armentano R. (Lat Am Appl Res 37 (2): 121-125)

[The adventitia reduces left ventricular dynamic afterload via smooth muscle activation-dependent mechanisms]

Bia D.; Zocalo Y.; Armentano R. L.; Camus J.; de Forteza E.; Cabrera-Fischer E. (Rev Esp Cardiol 60 (5): 501-509)

Differential functional coupling between human saphenous cryoallografts and arteries: importance of the arterial type and the biomechanical parameter evaluated

Bia D.; Zocalo Y.; Pessana F.; Armentano R.; Perez H.; Saldias M.; Alvarez I. (Artif Organs 31 (11): 809-818)

Hybrid stars within a covariant, nonlocal chiral quark model

Blaschke D. B.; Gómez Dumm D.; Grunfeld A. G.; Klähn T.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys Rev C 75 (6): 65804)

In vitro evaluation of an axial flow pump: mock-pump interaction and an approach to control

Camus J. M.; Campomar G.; DAttellis C.; Silvestrini M.; Varela L.; De Forteza E. (Int J Artif Organs 30 (1): 34-43)

A fractional derivative model to describe arterial viscoelasticity

Craiem D.; Armentano R. L. (Biorheology 44 (4): 251-263)

New monitoring software for larger clinical application of brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilatation measurements

Craiem D.; Chironi G.; Gariepy J.; Miranda-Lacet J.; Levenson J.; Simon A. (J Hypertens 25 (1): 133-140)

VEGF165 gene-mediated arteriogenesis and cardioprotection in large mammals with acute myocardial infarction. Confirmation of previous results from other authors

Crottogini A.; Laguens R. (Circ Res 100 (4): e58)

Unsupervised classification of ventricular extrasystoles using bounded clustering algorithms and morphology matching

Cuesta-Frau D.; Biagetti M. O.; Quinteiro R. A.; Mico-Tormos P.; Aboy M. (Med Biol Eng Comput 45 (3): 229-239)

Acute hypoxia differentially affects the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor alpha(1), alpha(2), beta(2), and gamma(2) subunit mRNA levels in the developing chick optic tectum: stage-dependent sensitivity

de Plazas S. F.; Rapacioli M.; Rodriguez Gil D. J.; Vacotto M.; Flores V. (J Neurosci Res 85 (14): 3135-3144)

Usefulness of PCR strategies for early diagnosis of Chagas disease reactivation and treatment follow-up in heart transplantation

Diez M.; Favaloro L.; Bertolotti A.; Burgos J. M.; Vigliano C.; Lastra M. P.; Levin M. J.; Arnedo A.; Nagel C.; Schijman A. G.; Favaloro R. R. (Am J Transplant 7 (6): 1633-1640)

Usefulness of polymerase chain reaction strategies for early diagnosis of Chagas disease reactivation and treatment follow-up in heart transplantation

Diez M.; Favaloro L.; Burgos J. M.; Peradejordi Lastras M.; Bertolotti A.; Vigliano C.; Schijman A. G.; Favaloro R. R. (J Heart Lung Transplant 26 (2, Supplement 1): S223-S224)

Phase diagram of neutron star quark matter in nonlocal chiral models

Dumm D. G.; Blaschke D. B.; Grunfeld A. G.; Klahn T.; Scoccola N. N. (Eur Phys J A 31 (4): 824-827)

Basics elements for modelling the dynamics of cell migration in cell culture

Farías R. O.; Vidal C. S.; Rapacioli M.; Flores V. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012050(7))

Molecular kinetics modeling in hemodialysis: on-line molecular monitoring and spectral analysis

Fernandez E. A.; Perazzo C. A.; Valtuille R.; Willshaw P.; Balzarini M. (ASAIO J 53 (5): 582-586)

Vascular heterografts for hemodyalisis access: analysis of elastic and viscous matching factor between human and ovine vessels

Galli C.; Bia D.; Zócalo Y.; Armentano R. L.; Camus J. M.; Pérez Cámpos H.; Saldías M.; Álvarez I.; Cabrera Fischer E. I. (Lat Am Appl Res 37 (3): 201-206)

Arterial pressure measurement: Is the envelope curve of the oscillometric method influenced by arterial stiffness?

Gelido G.; Angiletta S.; Pujalte A.; Quiroga P.; Cornes P.; Craiem D. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012053(7))

RF leakage current in electrosurgical units: Influence of the layout in taking measurements

Gentile L.; Palacios P. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012043(6))

Influence of arterial geometry on a model for growth rate of atheromas

Gessaghi V. C.; Raschi M. A.; Larreteguy A. E.; Perazzo C. A. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012046(8))

Decays of excited baryons in the large- Nc expansion of QCD

Goity J. L.; Scoccola N. N. (Eur Phys J A 31 (4): 506-508)

Excited baryon photoproduction in large Nc QCD

Goity J. L.; Scoccola N. N. (Int J Mod Phys E 16 (9): 2898-2901)

Excited baryon decays in 1/Nc expansion of QCD

Goity J. L.; Scoccola N. N. (Nucl Phys A 790 (1-4): 489c-492c)

Photoproduction of positive-parity excited baryons in the 1/Nc expansion of QCD

Goity J. L.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys Rev Lett 99 (6): 062002)

Phase diagram of quark matter in nonlocal chiral models under color and electric charge neutrality conditions

Gómez Dumm D.; Grunfeld A. G.; Scoccola N. N. (Braz J Phys 37: 526-531)

Digital processing of in situ hybridization images: identification and spatial allocation of specific labels

Gonzalez M. A.; Rapacioli M.; Ballarin V. L.; Fiszer de Plazas S.; Flores V. (J Comput Sci Technol 7 (3): 243-248)

Applying dimensional analysis to wave dispersion

Gratton J.; Perazzo C. A. (Am J Phys 75 (2): 158-160)

Improved right ventricular-vascular coupling during active pulmonary hypertension

Grignola J. C.; Gines F.; Bia D.; Armentano R. (Int J Cardiol 115 (2): 171-182)

Equation of state for hybrid compact stars with a nonlocal chiral quark model

Grunfeld A. G.; Berdermann J.; Blaschke D. B.; Klahn T.; Gómez Dumm D.; Scoccola N. N. (Int J Mod Phys E 16 (9): 2842-2846)

Advances in coronary heart disease surgery in Latin America

Gurfinkel E. P.; Lernoud V. S.; Laguens R. P.; Favaloro R. R. (Circulation 115 (9): 1147-1153)

Expression of the MDR-1 gene-encoded P-glycoprotein in cardiomyocytes of conscious sheep undergoing acute myocardial ischemia followed by reperfusion

Laguens R. P.; Lazarowski A. J.; Cuniberti L. A.; Vera Janavel G. L.; Cabeza Meckert P. M.; Yannarelli G. G.; del Valle H. F.; Lascano E. C.; Negroni J. A.; Crottogini A. J. (J Histochem Cytochem 55 (2): 191-197)

Gap junctions in preconditioning against arrhythmias

Lascano E. C.; Negroni J. A. (Cardiovasc Res 74 (3): 341-342)

Nitroglycerin induces late preconditioning against arrhythmias but not stunning in conscious sheep

Lascano E. C.; Valle H. F.; Negroni J. A. (Scand Cardiovasc J 41 (3): 160-166)

Effects of enhanced external counterpulsation on carotid circulation in patients with coronary artery disease

Levenson J.; Simon A.; Megnien J. L.; Chironi G.; Gariepy J.; Pernollet M. G.; Craiem D.; Iliou M. C. (Cardiology 108 (2): 104-110)

Flow mediated endothelium function: advantages of an automatic measuring technique

Maio Y.; Casciaro M. E.; Urcola M. J.; Craiem D. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012062(6))

Dynamics of neuroepithelial cell proliferation in the developing chick optic tectum

Rapacioli M.; Ortalli A.; Rodríguez-Limardo R.; Sánchez V.; Scicolone G.; Flores V. (Dev Biol 306 (1): 331-332)

Effective Mass of an Oscillating Spring

Rodriguez E. E.; Gesnouin G. A. (Phys Teach 45 (2): 100-103)

Arterial wall mechanics as a function of heart rate: role of vascular smooth muscle

Salvucci F. P.; Schiavone J.; Craiem D.; Barra J. G. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012010(7))

Vascular oxidative stress is associated with insulin resistance in hyper-reninemic nonmodulating essential hypertension

Sanchez R.; Fischer P.; Cuniberti L.; Masnatta L. D.; Ramirez A. J. (J Hypertens 25 (12): 2434-2440)

Functional properties of fresh and cryopreserved carotid and femoral arteries, and of venous and synthetic grafts: comparison with arteries from normotensive and hypertensive patients

Santana D. B.; Armentano R. L.; Zocalo Y.; Perez Campos H.; Cabrera F. E.; Graf S.; Saldias M.; Silva W.; Alvarez I. (Cell Tissue Bank 8 (1): 43-57)

Statistical studies of sunspots

Silbergleit V. M.; Gigola S. V.; DAttellis C. E. (Acta Geod Geoph Hung 42 (3): 275-283)

A 3D model of the oculomotor plant including the pulley system

Viegener A.; Armentano R. L. (J Phys Conf Ser 90 (1): 012100(7))

Etiological treatment of chronic Chagas disease: Neglected evidence by evidence-based medicine

Viotti R.; Vigliano C. (Expert Rev Anti-Infect Ther 5 (4): 717-726)

Changes in vein dynamics ranging from low to high pressure levels as a determinant of the differences in vein adaptation to arterial hemodynamic conditions

Zocalo Y.; Bia D.; Pessana F. M.; Armentano R. L. (Artif Organs 31 (7): 575-580)

Acute increase in reversal blood flow during counterpulsation is associated with vasoconstriction and changes in the aortic mechanics

Bia D.; Zocalo Y.; Armentano R.; de Forteza E.; Cabrera-Fischer E. (Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2007: 3986-3989)

T-wave alternans analysis improvement by means of curve alignment prior to distance calculation

Cuesta-Frau D.; Biagetti M.; Mico-Tormos P.; Aboy M.; Quinteiro R. (Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2007: 690-693)

Flow pattern effect on the initial shape of the atheroma

Gessaghi V. C.; Raschi M.; Perazzo C. A.; Larreteguy A. E. (Mecánica Computacional 26: 3745-3756)

Strong decays of excited baryons in Large N[sub c] QCD

Goity J. L.; Scoccola N. N. (Am Inst Phys Conf Proc 884 (1): 518-519)

Phase diagram of non-local chiral quark models under compact star conditions

Gómez Dumm D.; Grunfeld A. G.; Scoccola N. N. (Am Inst Phys Conf Proc 884: 372-377)

Estimation of the Tool Condition by Applying the Wavelet Transform to Acoustic Emission Signals

Gomez M. P.; Piotrkowski R.; Ruzzante J. E.; DAttellis C. E. (Am Inst Phys Conf Proc 894 (1): 635-641)

Flujos viscogravitatorios planos convergentes: formación y evolución de crestas

Gratton J.; Perazzo C. A. (An AFA 19: 119-121)

Flujos viscogravitatorios planos divergentes: formación y evolución de valles

Gratton J.; Perazzo C. A. (An AFA 19: 122-124)

Modelos físicos elementales de montañas y cordilleras

Gratton J.; Perazzo C. A. (An AFA 19: 3-5)

Glibenclamide action on myocardial function and arrhythmia incidence in the healthy and diabetic heart

Negroni J. A.; Lascano E. C.; del Valle H. F. (Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem 5 (1): 43-53)

Metodología de evaluación del estado de la tecnología electromédica en instituciones de salud

Secreto G.; Crego P.; Gentile L.; de Forteza E. (Rev Argent Bioing 13 (3): 11-15)

Estado de la Tecnología Electromédica en Instituciones de Salud

Secreto G.; Graf S.; de Forteza E. (Rev ITAES 9 (3))

Aproximacion la transformada wavelet continua mediante funciones spline de soporte compacto

Serrano E. P.; Figliola M. A.; DAttellis C. E. (Mecánica Computacional 26 (44): 3788-3798)

Assessment of training-dependent changes in the left ventricle torsion dynamics of professional soccer players using speckle-tracking echocardiography

Zocalo Y.; Bia D.; Armentano R. L.; Arias L.; Lopez C.; Etchart C.; Guevara E. (Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2007: 2709-2712)

El endotelio mantiene elevada la capacidad de conducción arterial y reduce la poscarga dinámica ventricular de una manera frecuencia-dependiente

Zócalo Y.; Bia Santana D.; Pesana F.; Armentano R. L.; Cabrera-Fischer E. I. (Rev Urug Cardiol 22 (1): 15-24)

Caracterización regional de la biomecánica venosa: rol de la complacencia y viscosidad en el retorno venoso

Zocalo Y.; Lluberas S.; Bia D.; Armentano R. (Cardiovasc Sci Forum 2 (1): 8-15)