Artículo |
y Referencia |
Endothelial and leukocyte adhesion molecules in
primary hypertriglyceridemia |
Benitez M. B.; Cuniberti
L.; Fornari M. C.; Gomez Rosso
L.; Berardi V.; Elikir
G.; Stutzbach P.; Schreier
L.; Wikinski R.; Brites
F. (Atherosclerosis 197 (2): 679-687) |
Cryografts implantation
in human circulation would ensure a physiological transition in the arterial
wall energetics, damping and wave reflection |
Bia D.; Barra J. G.; Armentano
R. L.; Zocalo Y.; Perez
H.; Saldias M.; Alvarez
I.; Cabrera Fischer E. I. (Physiol Res 57 (3):
351-363) |
Increased reversal and oscillatory shear stress
cause smooth muscle contraction-dependent changes in sheep aortic dynamics:
role in aortic balloon pump circulatory support |
Bia D.; Zocalo
Y.; Armentano R.; Camus J.; Forteza
E.; Cabrera-Fischer E. (Acta Physiol 192 (4):
487-503) |
Impact of shear stimulus, risk factor burden and
early atherosclerosis on the time-course of brachial artery flow-mediated
vasodilation |
Chironi G.; Craiem D.; Miranda-Lacet J.; Levenson J.; Simon A. (J Hypertens
26 (3): 508-515) |
Skyrmion semiclassical quantization in the presence of an isospin chemical potential |
T. D.; Ponciano J. A.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys Rev D 78 (3): 34040) |
Nonlocal SU(3) chiral quark models at finite
temperature: The role of the Polyakov loop |
Contrera G. A.; Gómez Dumm
D.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys Lett B 661 (2-3): 113-117) |
Fractional calculus applied to model arterial
viscoelasticity |
Craiem D. O.; Rojo F. J.; Atienza J. M.; Guinea G. V.; Armentano R. L. (Lat Am Appl Res 38 (2): 141-145) |
New assessment of endothelium-dependent
flow-mediated vasodilation to characterize endothelium dysfunction |
Craiem D.; Chironi G.; Simon A.; Levenson
J. (Am J Ther 15 (4): 340-344) |
Fractional-order viscoelasticity applied to
describe uniaxial stress relaxation of human arteries |
Craiem D.; Rojo F. J.; Atienza
J. M.; Armentano R. L.; Guinea G. V. (Phys Med Biol
53 (17): 4543 (12 pp)) |
Effects of intra-aortic counterpulsation
on aortic wall energetics and damping: in vivo experiments |
E. I.; Bia D.; Camus J. M.; Zocalo
Y.; de Forteza E.; Armentano
R. L. (ASAIO J 54 (1): 44-49) |
Color neutrality
effects in the phase diagram of the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model |
Gómez Dumm D.; Blaschke D. B.; Grunfeld A. G.;
Scoccola N. N. (Phys Rev
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Alterations in cell adhesion molecules and other
biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in patients with metabolic syndrome |
Gomez Rosso L.; Benitez
M. B.; Fornari M. C.; Berardi
V.; Lynch S.; Schreier L.; Wikinski
R.; Cuniberti L.; Brites
F. (Atherosclerosis 199 (2): 415-423) |
Nonlocality effects in
the phase diagram of neutral quark matter |
Grunfeld A. G.; Blaschke D. B.; Gómez Dumm D.; Klähn T.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys Part Nuclei 39 (7): 1040-1043) |
Vascular endothelial growth factor-165 gene
therapy promotes cardiomyogenesis in reperfused myocardial infarction |
Guerrero M.; Athota K.;
Moy J.; Mehta L. S.; Laguens R.; Crottogini A.; Borrelli M.;
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[Sleep-wakefulness variations in arterial
stiffness: assessment using ambulatory recording of arterial pulse transit
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Lluberas S.; Bia
D.; Zocalo Y.; Zabalza
M.; Etchart C.; Armentano
R. (Rev Esp Cardiol 61 (1): 41-48) |
Simulation of steady state and transient cardiac
muscle response experiments with a Huxley-based contraction model |
J. A.; Lascano E. C. (J Mol Cell
Cardiol 45 (2): 300-312) |
Nonlocal chiral quark models with wavefunction renormalization: Sigma properties and -
scattering parameters |
S.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys Rev D 78 (11): 114002(13)) |
Asymptotic regimes of ridge and rift formation in
a thin viscous sheet model |
Perazzo C. A.; Gratton J. (Phys Fluids 20 (4):
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Predictors of Heart Failure in Chronic Chagasic Cardiomyopathy With Asymptomatic Left
Ventricular Dysfunction |
Petti M. A.; Viotti R.;
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Skyrmions in the
presence of isospin chemical potential |
J. A.; Scoccola N. N. (Phys
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Photoproduction of excited
baryons in the 1/Nc expansion of QCD |
Scoccola N. N. (Braz
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Analysis of negative parity baryon photoproduction amplitudes in the 1/Nc
expansion |
Scoccola N. N.; Goity J. L.; Matagne N. (Phys Lett B 663 (3): 222-227) |
Regional differences in veins wall viscosity,
compliance, energetics and damping: analysis of the pressure-diameter
relationship during cyclical overloads |
Zocalo Y.; Bia
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[A reduction in the magnitude and velocity of
left ventricular torsion may be associated with increased left ventricular
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Zocalo Y.; Guevara E.; Bia
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cardiovascular posquirúrgica. Aportes multidisciplinarios |
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Non-symmetrical double-logistic analysis of 24
hour arterial stiffness profile in normotensive and hypertensive subjects |
Bia D.; Armentano R.; Pessana F.; Zocalo Y.; Lluberas S.; Avolio A. P. (Annu Int IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc Conf
2008: 809-812) |
Biomarcadores de aterosclerosis e indicadores de
resistencia insulínica en pacientes acromegálicos no diabéticos |
Boero L. E.; Manavela
M.; Gómez Rosso L. A.; Insúa
C.; Elissondo N.; Cuniberti
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adventicia: estado actual del conocimiento |
Cabrera Fischer E. I. (Rev Argent Cardiol 76 (1): 58-63) |
de polimorfismos ligados a enfermedad cardiovascular en población general de
Buenos Aires |
Cuniberti L.; Toscanini
U.; Marziali L.; Ciappa
A.; Gómez A.; Berardi G.; Raimondi E. (Prensa Med Argent 95 (5): 273-279) |
no invasiva de aterosclerosis subclÃnica y
estratificación del riesgo cardiovascular / Non invasive
assessment of subclinical
atherosclerosis and stratification
of cardiovascular risk |
Elikir G. D.; Christen
A. I.; Brandani L. M.; Miranda A.; Graf S.; Ramírez
A.; Sánchez R. A.; Baglivo H. P. (Prensa Med Argent 95 (4): 219-226) |
Influence of arterial pressure on a model for
cholesterol accumulation and intimal growth |
Gessaghi V. C.; Raschi
M.; Perazzo C. A.; Larreteguy
A. E. (Mecánica Computacional 27 (44): 3339-3349) |
de la rosuvastatina en el tratamiento de la
hipertensión arterial y el remodelamiento
ventricular / Beneficial effects of rosuvastatin in patients with arterial hypertension and
ventricular remodeling |
Giunta G. A.; Guevara E.; Marziali L.; Gómez Rosso L.; Meroño T.; Yannarelli G.; Toriano R.; Favaloro R.; Brites F.; Cuniberti L. (Prensa
Med Argent 95 (4): 227-232) |
del síndrome metabólico de acuerdo con las variables que lo constituyen y su
relación con la insulino-resistencia |
Giunta G.; Pizzi
N.; Escarain C.; Lynch S.; Cuniberti
L.; Sánchez R.; Baglivo H. (Prensa Med Argent 95 (10): 627-631) |
y evolución de crestas en flujos convergentes de líquidos no Newtonianos |
Gratton J.; Perazzo C. A. (An AFA 20: 69-71) |
fuerza de marea y el límite de Roche |
Gratton J.; Perazzo C. A. (An AFA 20: 9-12) |
Role of ATP dependent potassium channels in the
protection against ischemia-reperfusion damage in conscious sheep |
Lascano E. C.; del Valle H. F.; Negroni J.
A.; Crottogini A. J. (Cardiovasc
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recientes de la teoría de flujos reptantes con frontera libre |
Perazzo C. A. (An Acad Nac Cs B Aires 42:
335-344) |
convergentes asimétricos: formación de crestas |
Perazzo C. A.; Gratton J. (An AFA 20: 72-74) |
de la complejidad de la profileración celular
durante la corticogénesis en el SNC |
Rapacioli M.; Rodríguez Celin
A.; Duarte S.; Flores V. (Prensa Med Argent 95 (5):
280-286) |
de la córticoangiogénesis en el sistema nervioso
central |
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López Costa J. J.; Flores V. (Prensa Med Argent 95
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Arterial complex elastic modulus was preserved
after an intercontinental cryoconserved exchange |
Salvucci F.; Armentano
R. L.; Atienza J. M.; Bia
D.; Perez H.; Barra J. G.; Craiem
D.; Rojo F. J.; Guinea G. V. (Annu Int IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc
Conf 2008: 3598-3601) |
Nueva variante en el polimorfismo del
intrón 4 de la enzima Óxido Nítrico Sintasa
endotelial (eNOS) |
Toscanini U.; Cuniberti
L.; Berardi G.; Marziali
L.; Gómez A.; Raimondi E. (Prensa Med Argent 95
(5): 291-294) |
In memorian - Dr. Adrián Kantrowitz
(4/10/18-19/11/08) |
Trainini J. C.;
Cabrera Fischer E. (Rev Argent Cardiol 76 (6):
496-497) |